Step 1

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Import of files


“I import client and/or prospect files into my Eolia database.”

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Qualification of prospects


“I qualify my prospects with tailor-made criteria, I search in 1 click for key information on and

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“I create my contacts for each prospect and I qualify them in terms of job title but also on the type of profiles they are looking for as part of their recruitment activity.”

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Anonymous CV push


“I send an anonymous profile to a large number of contacts based on their needs. This anonymous CV is charted with my logo.”

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Follow-up of prospects


“I have visibility on all the actions carried out, my meetings and my reminders.”

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“I look for a contact by his phone number, last name, first name or e-mail. And I look for companies with any standard or customised criteria.”

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“I look for a contact by his phone number, last name, first name or e-mail. And I look for companies with any standard or customised criteria.”

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Turning a prospect into a client


“I change the status of the prospect into a client, I save his specifications concerning the profiles sought.”

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“I attach the validated contract and create the associated recruitment assignments.”

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Client follow-up


“From my client’s file, I have access to the record of all my recruitment assignments and all the invoices issued.”

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“All clients actions are tracked automatically in the Eolia CRM.”

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“I manage my sales business through the standard reports provided.”

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Step 2


Head hunting

Social networks and CV database


“I build a list of target companies to hunt profiles that match my client’s need. And I link candidates to these target companies.”

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“Thanks to the chrome EOLIA plug-in, I can import profiles from LINKEDIN …”

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CV integration

Matching on My database


“I automatically integrate several CVs at once directly on each of my recruitment assignments, regardless of the format: pdf, doc, odt, rtf. An automatic extraction of candidate data is performed (CV parsing).”

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“With one click, I launch a semantic matching to display the most relevant profiles for my recruitment need. Then I can refine my search criteria”

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Semantic search

Posting a job


“Without having to write Boolean strings, I can do “fulltext” and multi-criteria searches using the power of the semantic engine (enrichment with synonyms and spelling variants: 2 keywords equals more than 70 searches).”

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“I publish my ad on my website in one click and multipost it on free and paid jobboards.”

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Head hunting


“I build a list of target companies to hunt profiles that match my client’s need. And I link candidates to these target companies.”

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Social networks and CV database


“Thanks to the chrome EOLIA plug-in, I can import profiles from LINKEDIN …”

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CV Integration


“I automatically integrate several CVs at once directly on each of my recruitment assignments, regardless of the format: pdf, doc, odt, rtf. An automatic extraction of candidate data is performed (CV parsing).”

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Matching on My database


“With one click, I launch a semantic matching to display the most relevant profiles for my recruitment need. Then I can refine my search criteria”

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Semantic search


“Without having to write Boolean strings, I can do “fulltext” and multi-criteria searches using the power of the semantic engine (enrichment with synonyms and spelling variants: 2 keywords equals more than 70 searches).”

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Posting a job


“I publish my ad on my website in one click and multipost it on free and paid jobboards.”

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Step 3

Qualification of candidates


Automatic Splitting


“For each application to my ads, I preview the CV by simply hovering the mouse and do the pre-screening (Rejection/ Validation) quickly.”

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“Candidates are automatically duplicated and I can check their record even if the interviews were conducted with another recruiter.”

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Follow-up of candidates

Video interview


“I conduct my telephone interviews with candidates and I can dictate my reports through voice recognition.”

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“I plan my candidate appointments and my reminders on the calendar. And I use the live video feature with candidates.”

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Email / text message

Location of candidates


“I contact candidates by email or text and all my actions are tracked automatically.”

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“I visualise the geographical position of the candidates on a map.”

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Customised steps


“I am autonomous on the progress of my recruitment process with a list of personalised steps.”

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“For each application to my ads, I preview the CV by simply hovering the mouse and do the pre-screening (Rejection/ Validation) quickly.”

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Automatic Splitting


“Candidates are automatically duplicated and I can check their record even if the interviews were conducted with another recruiter.”

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Follow-up of candidates


“I conduct my telephone interviews with candidates and I can dictate my reports through voice recognition.”

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Video interview


“I plan my candidate appointments and my reminders on the calendar. And I use the live video feature with candidates.”

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Email / text message


“I contact candidates by email or text and all my actions are tracked automatically.”

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Location of candidates


“I visualise the geographical position of the candidates on a map.”

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Customised steps


“I am autonomous on the progress of my recruitment process with a list of personalised steps.”

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Step 4

Client follow-up

Progress report

Client Portal


“I automatically generate a progress report on my assignment that I send to my client.”

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“Thanks to the client portal, I communicate the short-list to my contacts. This portal has 3 key advantages: traceability, digital mode and real-time exchanges.”

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“I manage my billing at the various stages: down payments, intermediate bills and balance.”

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Progress report


“I automatically generate a progress report on my assignment that I send to my client.”

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Client Portal


“Thanks to the client portal, I communicate the short-list to my contacts. This portal has 3 key advantages: traceability, digital mode and real-time exchanges.”

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“I manage my billing at the various stages: down payments, intermediate bills and balance.”

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