Step 1

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Interface with your CRM tool


“I automatically retrieve recruitment needs and contacts from EOLIA.”

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Step 2

Scope of activity

Access Rights


“According to my access rights, I access my files and those of my Agency or all the files of the Agencies I am responsible for.”

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Step 3

Ad publication 

Career site



“From templates, I can modify my ad and share it on my career site.”

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“I multipost my ad on free and paid jobboards as well as on social networks.”

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Volume of applications


“Thanks to the EOLIA tools (wordpress plug-in, GoogleForJobs compatibility, PageSpeed Insights…), I get a lot of new applications every day.”

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Career site


“From templates, I can modify my ad and share it on my career site.”

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“I multipost my ad on free and paid jobboards as well as on social networks.”

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Volume of applications


“Thanks to the EOLIA tools (wordpress plug-in, GoogleForJobs compatibility, PageSpeed Insights…), I get a lot of new applications every day.”

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Step 4


Matching on My CV database

Semantic research


“With 1 click, I launch a semantic matching to display the most relevant profiles to my recruitment need. Then I can refine my search criteria.”

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“I do “fulltext” and multi-criteria searches using the power of the semantic engine (enrichment with synonyms and spelling variants: 2 keywords equals more than 70 searches).”

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CV database and social networks

CV Integration


“Thanks to the chrome EOLIA plug-in, I can import profiles from LINKEDIN …”

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“I can integrate multiple CVs at once with different formats (pdf, doc, odt, rtf…). An automatic extraction of candidate data is performed (CV parsing).”

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Matching on My CV database


“With 1 click, I launch a semantic matching to display the most relevant profiles to my recruitment need. Then I can refine my search criteria.”

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Semantic research


“I do “fulltext” and multi-criteria searches using the power of the semantic engine (enrichment with synonyms and spelling variants: 2 keywords equals more than 70 searches).”

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CV database and social networks


“Thanks to the chrome EOLIA plug-in, I can import profiles from LINKEDIN …”

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CV Integration


“I can integrate multiple CVs at once with different formats (pdf, doc, odt, rtf…). An automatic extraction of candidate data is performed (CV parsing).”

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Step 5

Qualification of candidates

Record Consultation

Location of candidates


“I can check the record on their previous assignments with different sortings possible.”

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“I visualise the geographical position of the candidates on a map.”

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Available Check

Follow-up of candidates


“I send text messages to find out quickly the availability of the selected candidates.”

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“I conduct my interviews with the candidates and I can dictate my reports thanks to voice recognition.”

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Transfer to the Agency



“I scan their CVs to integrate them automatically into my CV database.”

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“I contact the candidates by email and all my sendings are traced automatically.”

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Custom steps


“I am autonomous on the progress of my recruitment process with a list of personalised steps.”

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Record Consultation


“I can check the record on their previous assignments with different sortings possible.”

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Location of candidates


“I visualise the geographical position of the candidates on a map.”

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Available Check


“I send text messages to find out quickly the availability of the selected candidates.”

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Follow-up of candidates


“I conduct my interviews with the candidates and I can dictate my reports thanks to voice recognition.”

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Transfer to the Agency


“I scan their CVs to integrate them automatically into my CV database.”

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“I contact the candidates by email and all my sendings are traced automatically.”

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Custom steps


“I am autonomous on the progress of my recruitment process with a list of personalised steps.”

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Step 6

Temporary Agency Retention

Automated sending: Email & SMS


“To strengthen the relationship with the temporary workers, I am helped by automated mailings.”

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Step 7

Operational steering

Key Indicators


“I can follow my key indicators every day to manage better my activity and with one click access the details.”

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Step 8

Analysis and statistics

Module BI (Business Intelligence)


“Thanks to the business intelligence module, I carry out all my statistics: sourcing, deadlines, key indicators, etc.”

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